It was a very cold morning but that did not affect the enthusiasm of the kids as they were looking forward to an adventurous morning with Aunty Mphon. The day started with an exercise that involves the use of the mind and your ability to endure and think outside the box. A game called Paradigm shift which involves the use of optical illusion was done and different correct answers were given by the participants. The aim of the game is to stimulate their mind and make them understand that we don’t see things the way they are, we see things the way we are.
The First Facilitator, Mr Lanre Olusola started his class with an energizer which includes bringing a participant out and asking other participants to say what they know about him/her. He later asked some kids to dance. The essence of this is to acquaint himself with the participants. The topic for this session is ‘Activating the power within’. Goals is one of the major requirement needed to activate the power within. The participants were given an exercise that involves projecting into the future and imagine how they want to be in the next 50years (precisely 30th of July, 2064). Mr Lanre asked the participants to get a partner which they did and he asked them questions that will unveil the leadership within them. Questions like, What do I like about who I am?, What do others say they like about me?, What compliments would I make myself?...and so on. The questions were answered in their note pads and each participant was asked to read out the answers three times to their respective partner and the partners should reply with ‘I believe you’. Some participants were randomly picked and asked to share their goals with and the answers were amazing. Not only are the participants young but they are intellectually alert, their answers were amazing and positive. He instructed them to remove their shoes and step on the written goals, close their eyes and imagine what they wrote getting fulfilled. Bold and positive declarations pertaining to the goals were said and they were asked to congratulate themselves. There was a change in their thinking at the end of the session, they believe the future is now and they were excited at the written goals and who they want to become.
The participants were divided into groups and ushered to their various game points by their mentors and the lesson of the game was to emphasize that there is no barrier and that impossibility is nothing.

The second Facilitator, Mr Victor Paa Kwesi Mensah reiterated on the need to believe in your goals and be positive always. A quick recap of what was learnt yesterday was done. Gifts of books titled The egg and the poultry farm and the teach children to save summit Magazine, were given to the kids who answered his questions correctly the previous day. He explained how to relate perceptions with life by imploring the participants to ask their siblings, Friends, "Frienemies", Parents, Teachers, and so on and ask them what they think about you.
Questions and Answers Section
In a nutshell, don’t be a spectator in your own life, development of your own potentials will not only benefit you alone but the world at large. The session ended with Mr. Victor teaching the kids a new song that goes thus ‘Making melody in my heart/3x, to the King of Kings. Heads up, Elbows in, Legs apart’
Even the mentors were not excluded from the benefits of the camp. Mr. Victor afforded us the opportunity to take the personality test.