Thursday, 8 August 2019


Today’s adventure was a continuation of yesterday where campers discussed Circle of Influence vs Circle of Concern and identified things or situations they can control (circle of influence) and things or situations they have no control of (circle of concern).

The General Training was led by Rotimi Ogunyemi a renowned technology lawyer and ICT expert who took us through the "4Rs to Build An Outstanding Life"The 4Rs were: 

Be Respectful
Be Reliable
Be Resourceful and
Be Resilient 

Using his life as an example, he said he had passion for technology but his father made him to study law and he found a way to converge both.

In rounding up, he urged campers to make the most out of life and the need for them to compress problem solving, creativity, originality and innovation to survive in life.

For the Journey of Guided Learning, we were in for a sweet and delicious Journey steered by Ayodeji Megbope; a globally acclaimed caterer, entrepreneur and CEO of No Left Overs. She admonished campers to know that “Sometimes our journey in life may take us through a rough process but it is what you do with what life throws at you that matters.” 

She made everyone know that their journey in life today will be someone's guide tomorrow. Posterity will be the judge of a good journey and a bad one. You and I are however the determinants of posterity's conclusion.

As we near the final days at Activate Youth Camp 2019, campers sharpened their skills and continued to perfect what they have learned across board.

Music was the crème de la crème for tonight as campers rhymed to the beats, showed off their singing skills and enjoying a great performance from our guest AMI.

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1 comment:

  1. The involvement of the campers in the practical exercise on Circle of influence and circle of concern had me thinking deep about how our youths can postiviely affect their generation. I strongly believing strongly that AYC campers whom are now the faces and Ambassadors of AYC can persuade their peers postively to make informed choices. Who says peer pressure can only be negative? AYC is fast replacing that nurture of mindset.

    AYC Ambassadors( made up of Campers, Interns, Mentors and appointed Facilitators) are groomed to know and believe in their power to live above diverse distractions around them, live above the noise, focus on their goals and distinguish themselves as champions of their times and if they will, of all times.

    It has been an awesome privilege to be a part of AYC family in the last 7 years.
