Welcome to Activate Youth Camp 2015 Day One- The Experience, the Engagement and the Empowerment
Some 300 youths signed in, an increase from 200 last year and their learning experience started from the check-in desk where campers carried their bags themselves and chose a specific skill to learn for the period of the camp from a range of Batik/Adire making, Tailoring, T-shirt production, Make-up, Photography, Dance and Knitting
Do you know what happens when the person sitting next to you is a stranger? Don’t guess. At Activate Youth Camp 2015, it was simply impossible to be seated next to a stranger as participants were geared by Ms Mosun Dosunmu from Health Services to get to know at least five new names and make five new friends before beginning her health and safety session. Now ask yourself what happens when everyone sitting next to me is my friend? Ms Dosunmu kick started the day’s session training the campers on health and safety; on how they should control their interactions at home, on a visit and on camp.
Mrs Ruth Goma built on the foundation to charge the participants with the champions guide and creed. Which states:
“Finally champions, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are lovely and whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things”
“I will think right, think fast, talk right, walk right, act right and live right because I am a Champion, thank you Lord for perfecting all that concern me.”
The peak of sessions were “words of encouragement, empowerment and enlightenment” by the ever passionate Child protection consultant and activist Mr Taiwo Akinlami who allowed the inspirations flow freely from his wealth of knowledge and captivated the participants.
Upon his closing, one of the kids delivered a stunning vote of thanks but words were not sufficient as he urged everyone to give a standing ovation to Mr Taiwo for his session which will no doubt change their lives forever.
Finally, all mentors/volunteers introduced themselves as the participants echoed after them.
You cannot beat the experience, the engagement and the empowerment of Activate Youth Camp 2015; and this is just day one. 6 more days of fun, learning and impact to go.
Take home for Day One
Develop the attitude of always talking to your parents
Be careful with strangers
If you are going somewhere, ask.
Before you talk, think.
Eat healthy and wisely
At every level, there is a follower and every follower will one day become a leader
Appreciate the beauty God created in you
No matter your background, aim higher
Respect the God-factor and your parents
Read and study
To bring about change… start from yourself.
Bedtime, Lights out. Day Two Starts in a bit!
good ...... very inspiring .......
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thanks ....... good luck ......
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thank you........
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